Rally Sunday Week 5 - GrowthPartners International

Week 5

All growth requires investing your time and gifts. It also helps to have the proper resources. Along with your Banners, Yard Signs and Door Hangers, having a Welcome Folder to present to your visitors is important. This folder can include your church contact information, calling cards for your pastor and a visitor registration card. Personalizing this folder makes it your own.

Checking your Sunday School supplies is also important. Extra hand-out materials and enrollment forms will tell your guests you are ready to include them into your family.

Think about the number of visitors you are expecting for your event. Confirm that the food and drinks for your reception, breakfast or picnic have been selected and ordered.

Keep in mind that paint, decorations and cleaning supplies may be needed for your “Sparkle” day preparation. Have these items available for your clean-up crew that day.

Planning ahead and having resources to place in the hands of your volunteers will insure they can get their job done quickly with the message you want to convey on your Rally Sunday!